Long time no blog!
Hi all who go to this blog site for updates on FAW. I have neglected this website for so long now, that I wonder if anyone out there is still coming here for messages? Best is to email me at fred@fredalanwolf.com and I'll answer your questions.
Hi there,
I just came across your blog...neat stuff, this quantum physics =D
Though most of it is just beyond me, it's interesting to read.
I hope you'll continue to blog from time to time.
Take care =)
Are you coming to L.A. for your book tour? I first saw you in "What the Bleep Do We Know" and was fascinated by you. I then saw you again in "The Secret" (which works by the way). Anywho if you are coming to town I would love to see you!
Hi Fred,
I just discovered you, your site, and your blog last night. I watched "The Secret" and enjoyed your segments very much! My mother is 2 years older than you, and you look 15 years younger than her.
Bless you and what you give to us.
Greetings from Estonia!
The Secret was very enriching.
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