Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Can Things Get Better? Part III

Perhaps we can trace our “scientific” faith to our early ancestors who believed in magic—they attempted to manipulate nature by any means they thought would work. When some manipulation did finally work, perhaps the need to simplify and explain how it works overcame the need to accept the mystical implications of how it works in the hope that greater control of nature would result. Through such a “needy” theory, the belief in a theoretical model—complexity emerges from simplicity—arose and strengthened in scientific mindsets. Hence, why believe in the spiritual realm or even why accept its opposite tenet, simplicity emerges from complexity (hence, matter arises from mind)?
A difficult question, but one that needs looking into. First, though, consider just how does any belief arise? I think that a belief reflects a vision of hope (or despair) and desire for change (or constancy)—possibly (and this is my own spin on this), a message from a future waiting to be realized. In quantum physics we deal with possible futures all of the time. These possibilities appear as abstract mathematical forms including vectors, waves, and complex numbers, as seen from a perspective of the present moment. Today, even more than 100 years since the inception of quantum physics and its acceptance in scientific reasoning (indeed forming the base of that reasoning), even though its theoretical structures remain intact, debate still rages over what it means. Consensus indicates that whatever quantum physics means modern science cannot be useful or predictive without these abstract (neo-Platonic) possibility-forms providing the ground of all being of modern science.
Although many interpretations of quantum physics continue to circulate, several posit the notion that both future and past events play a role in the construction of everyday reality (I’ll mention only physicist John Cramer’s “Transactional Interpretation” and Yakir Aharonov and Lev Vaidman’s “Time Symmetric Quantum Formulism”). In my view (and possibly in theirs) all possible futures are in continual contact with each and every present moment of conscious (and unconscious) awareness, kind of like the way a piece of a hologram (made from the waves reflecting off all points on an object) contains a whole picture of that object (see my book, Matter into Feeling).


Blogger Rex said...

If we are to look at this consciousness of God from the perspective that encompasses all space/time that would mean, to God, this is all a completed picture viewed as a single moment unto itself. Consider the evolution of God in the moment by moment existence. Like us, God also exists or at least appears to exist from our human perspective, moment by moment growing and evolving in this state of being. If God was to pick a moment in time to exist, it would be similar to recalling a memory, but it's really not. For the mind of God, there is the whole realm of all of the possibilities with the ability to "zero in" or "collapse" from the infinity of all that is the whole of God to a moment as finite as the theoretical quantum string of energy to the whole of the universe and any point in between existing in the moment regardless of the scale of space/time. However, given that from our human perspective the universe from the sub-atomic string on out to the macrocosmic structure exists in linear space/time as we do, the universal consciousness is constantly evolving itself through possibility and probability from infinite realities, but as parts of the ultimate whole consciousness. Think about perceptions of space/time from the stand point of an electron, atom, human, solar system, galaxy or the whole Universe. The closer to the Universal source you get the slower the perception of space/time to that point where it's all one. Yet conversely the scale of time for the life of the smallest atomic structures can exist in a space and time too small to for us to comprehend in anything outside of the Planck Scale.

January 13, 2009 at 1:30 AM  
Blogger Dr. D said...

Dr. Wolf, what if the illusion of the "infinity of mirrors," effect, isn't an illusion at all? wouldn't happen to have any links to the works you cited herein, would'ja? Appreciate you so much...

February 7, 2009 at 8:38 PM  
Blogger Rex said...

Dr. D, I know you're looking for a response from Dr. Wolf. I look forward to his response as well. But I thought I'd chime in as I like the "infinity of mirrors" effect ideal. I think there is something to that regarding the nature of the particle. One explanation for a particle within a wave to have an instant impact on (what would appear to be) another particle that may be across the galaxy within the same wave would be that it is one in the same. In actuality, the particle is essentially is the wave. It is a complex extra-dimensional reflection of itself generating what we see in our 3 dimensional existence. Combine all the particles/waves that make up all of the experience of our universal reality and the result, for the sake of the analogy, is a super intricate "infinity of mirrors" effect which, to us, is no illusion.

Dr. D, perhaps you could elaborate on your view of the "infinity of mirrors" effect?

Of course, Dr. Wolf, we'd be most grateful to hear from you.

February 9, 2009 at 11:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One of the most effective ways to begin a lovingkindness practice is through the use of Metta meditation. In this simple meditation we offer a wish for freedom, happiness, and the cessation of suffering for a particular person, group, or the entire world. yoga teacher training course A basic Metta meditation for all beings is:

May all beings be happy.
May all beings be free from suffering.
May all beings be at peace.

March 5, 2009 at 11:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fred, my only knowledge of you is what I saw on a "Closer to Truth" web site; I have read none of your papers.

Of all of the guests on that panel I happened to agree with your attempt to explain consciousness from a not entirely physical perspective.

I therefore invite you to look at my blog (if you have the time) and see if my theory on Dynamic Information might enhance your feelings about the prospect of consciousness transcending the physical brain.

If you'd like further contact you can reach me at

My blog address is:

May 7, 2009 at 11:46 PM  
Blogger jindi said...

Swami Vishnu-devananda was the first in the West to develop a training program for yoga teachers. He did this not

only with the vision to develop yoga professionals, but also to give sincere aspirants the skills of personal discipline

and to develop messengers of peace. The Course is a profound, personal experience, based on the ancient gurukula

teaching system, integrating the student's daily life into the yoga training. By the end of the intensive four-week

course the student will possess a firm foundation for teaching others, in addition to strengthening his or her own yoga

practice with self-discipline and awareness of the nature of body, mind and spirit. Upon graduation from the course,

students receive a certificate of qualification. The program has seen the graduation of more than eleven thousand

students over the last thirty years. Men and women come from all around the world take part in the training, which is

given in English with simultaneous translation into European languages, as well as Hebrew, Japanese, Hindi, Tamil

and Malayalam.

we developed a program that teaches you everything you need to know to teach yoga AND run a successful yoga

business - and you can learn it from home, at your own pace.

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yoga teacher training course

December 14, 2009 at 3:39 AM  
Blogger jindi said...

Yoga (Sanskrit, Pali: yóga) refers to traditional physical and mental disciplines originating in India. The word is

associated with meditative practices in Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism. In Hinduism, it also refers to one of the six

orthodox (astika) schools of Hindu philosophy, and to the goal toward which that school directs its practices. In

Jainism it refers to the sum total of all activities—mental, verbal and physical.

Major branches of yoga in Hindu philosophy include Raja Yoga, Karma Yoga, Jnana Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, and Hatha

Yoga. Raja Yoga, compiled in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, and known simply as yoga in the context of Hindu

philosophy, is part of the Samkhya tradition.[10] Many other Hindu texts discuss aspects of yoga, including

Upanishads, the Bhagavad Gita, the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, the Shiva Samhita and various Tantras.

The Sanskrit word yoga has many meanings, and is derived from the Sanskrit root "yuj," meaning "to control," "to

yoke" or "to unite."[12] Translations include "joining," "uniting," "union," "conjunction," and "means." Outside India,

the term yoga is typically associated with Hatha Yoga and its asanas (postures) or as a form of exercise. Someone who

practices yoga or follows the yoga philosophy is called a yogi or yogini


December 14, 2009 at 3:40 AM  
Blogger jindi said...

Ayurveda is a holistic healing science which comprises of two words, Ayu and Veda. Ayu means life and Veda means

knowledge or science. So the literal meaning of the word Ayurveda is the science of life. Ayurveda is a science

dealing not only with treatment of some diseases but is a complete way of life. Read More
"Ayurveda treats not just the ailment but the whole person and emphasizes prevention of disease to avoid the need for

Ayurvedic Medicine has become an increasingly accepted alternative medical treatment in America during the last

two decades.
Benefits of Ayurvedic Medicines
* By using ayurvedic and herbal medicines you ensure physical and mental health without side effects. The natural

ingredients of herbs help bring “arogya” to human body and mind. ("Arogya" means free from diseases). The

chemicals used in preparing allopathy medicines have impact on mind as well. One should have allopathy

medicine only when it is very necessary.
* According to the original texts, the goal of Ayurveda is prevention as well as promotion of the body’s own

capacity for maintenance and balance.
* Ayurvedic treatment is non-invasive and non-toxic, so it can be used safely as an alternative therapy or alongside

conventional therapies.
* Ayurvedic physicians claim that their methods can also help stress-related, metabolic, and chronic conditions.
* Ayurveda has been used to treat acne, allergies, asthma, anxiety, arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, colds,

colitis, constipation, depression, diabetes, flu, heart disease, hypertension, immune problems, inflammation,

insomnia, nervous disorders, obesity, skin problems, and ulcers.

Ayurvedic Terms Explained

Dosha: In Ayurvedic philosophy, the five elements combine in pairs to form three dynamic forces or interactions

called doshas. It is also known as the governing principles as every living things in nature is characterized by the


Ayurvedic Facial: Purportedly, a "therapeutic skin care experience" that involves the use of "dosha-specific" products

and a facial massage focusing on "marma points."

Ayurvedic Nutrition (Ayurvedic Diet): Nutritional phase of Ayurveda. It involves eating according to (a) one's "body

type" and (b) the "season." The alleged activity of the doshas--three "bodily humors," "dynamic forces," or "spirits that

possess"--determines one's "body type." In Ayurveda, "body types" number seven, eight, or ten, and "seasons"

traditionally number six. Each two-month season corresponds to a dosha; for example, the two seasons that

correspond to the dosha named "Pitta" (see "Raktamoksha") constitute the period of mid-March through mid-July. But

some proponents enumerate three seasons: summer (when pitta predominates), autumn, and winter (the season of

kapha); or Vata season (fall and winter), Kapha season (spring), and Pitta season (summer). According to Ayurvedic

theory, one should lessen one's intake of foods that increase ("aggravate") the ascendant dosha.


December 14, 2009 at 3:40 AM  
Blogger ArtVantage said...

Quantum and consciousness, wanted to share this url:

March 12, 2012 at 1:14 PM  

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