I get questions!
People ask me since my appearance in the film “What the Bleep” about the almost magical world of quantum physics. When I lecture and talk to people “what kind of feedback and responses do I now get?” I’ve never been in this kind of situation before. People are cheering, standing, applauding, you know, it’s really hot for me. All I can say is I’m having a lot of fun. People seem to be responding to the phenomenon, to the information coming through so they go out in a livelier state than they were when they first come in to the lecture. So that’s basically what I seem to be getting. This quantum physics stuff, or the insights that I’ve gained about the universe and the spiritual nature of the universe and how quantum physics works seems to have a beneficial effect on people.
This response has given me some insights into our own nature. Ever since humans began to wonder and gaze at the heavens, they have taken it as matter of fact that if it is above me, it must be beyond me and therefore godlike. So we tend to see images in the stars and think of heaven as being up there. Hence our forebears took it upon themselves to build great monuments and statues depicting the gods and usually they built these monuments much larger than life size to depict the godlike structure they figures impose on human kind. Motion pictures have taken over statue building but the need to worship gods remains intact in the human spirit. Hence our gaze now turns to movie stars rather than constellations. Thus put my mug on a screen 30 feet by 30 feet or even larger and I become a godlike figure to the unconscious mind witnessing the image.
Or maybe I am just getting older and people think I know more than they do. Oh well . . .